9 Tips for Greater Social Media Security

After a few hackers “Had it their way” with Burger King’s Twitter handle, we started thinking that password security is a big deal, and not everyone’s doing it right. Here are a few simple steps that can help you avoid a situation that would be, well, a whopper (#groan) of a public relations nightmare.

Here are nine easy ways to make sure that no unwanted guests can get into your accounts:

Get Weird

In social media you often have many users accessing one channel. The uniqueness of your password can make it more difficult for passwords to be compromised even if a co-worker’s computer or network is. The weirder the better.

Think Like 007

If you don’t need the password you shouldn’t have it. End of story.

So Fresh and So Safe

Changing your passwords at least once a quarter helps make them less susceptible to attack. Be sure to keep passwords documented somewhere safe in the event that your security measures foil your own log-in attempts.

Know Who’s in the Know

When employee turnover happens, passwords should be changed. All users with brand passwords should be accounted for. That way if the Tweet heard ’round the world should come from your account, you know exactly who to call.

!+L+f+2 = Password

Have a formula. Knowing what makes a secure password will help you keep your accounts safe, while at the same time not turning your account into the WWII German enigma machine.

Have It Your Way

Customize passwords for brands and even different accounts. In the event that you are compromised, having different passwords for different accounts will keep you from getting shut down completely.

Use a Content Management System

Systems like HootSuite, Expion, and Vitrue all offer access to social channels without the need for the channel’s password. In the event that a CMS password is compromised, access can be restricted to that user without the need for a major password overhaul.

Know Where You’re Connected

Be sure that you are aware of apps that connect to your social networks. If passwords change, many times these apps will continue to work because you’ve granted them permissions.

Manage Admin Roles on Facebook

Closely control the password to the personal account that has admin access to your business or brand page(s). It’s not necessary to make everyone who touches your Facebook page an administrator or even the same level of administrator. Admin roles are listed below.

*Bonus tip

It’s important to note that only the manager-level admin can control other admin roles. There should only be one account with manager-level admin access. Ignoring this tip could lead to your being locked out of your brand page. If another manager-level admin removes your admin access, you could be locked out permanently.

Need to remove an admin? Follow the steps below.

  • Click Edit Page

  • Select the name of the admin you wish to remove and click the [X] next to his or her name

  • Click Save to process your removal

  • Enter your password and click Confirm to confirm the removal

Follow our quick steps above and you should be able to avoid the type of king-sized mess that Burger King found itself in.