18 Nov Dodge
Dodge: Defiance Arkfalls Sweepstakes
Dodge established a partnership with SyFy TV network and Trion Worlds video game developer around the TV show and video game Defiance, which featured both the Dodge Charger and the Dodge Challenger. The goal of this promotion was to grow awareness for the Dodge brand among the Defiance community and attract them as prospective customers.
Ignite Social Media devised a strategy centered on social gaming in order to engage with the two desired audiences. We created a social game inspired by the specific plot elements from the show and game, which extended the Defiance experience into social media and appealed to the program’s passionate fan base.
The game relied heavily on Facebook’s Open Graph technology, newly released platform that enables developers to build experiences that seamlessly integrate with the Facebook News Feed. The game’s Open Graph actions created brand advocacy and drove program awareness as a natural part of the user flow.
The game launched a few weeks prior to the to the appearance of the Dodge Charger in the Defiance TV show, which provided an opportunity to amplify the TV sponsorship through social media and build anticipation with Defiance viewers.
The program generated over 250 million impressions, 30% of which were Facebook Open Graph updates. The pre-registration period (5/9-5/24) alone helped to achieve 5,630 total shares.
The sweepstakes helped generate over 167,000 pageviews for the Redline Dodge blog. This correlates to nearly 5x more average daily pageviews between 5/24-6/25 compared to the pre-Arkfall sweepstakes, or an increase of 112% in total blog traffic. There was also a 172% increase in average monthly blog page views during the campaign, nearly tripling the amount of views from the first quarter of the year.
The microsite alone generated over 100,000 pageviews and created high levels of engagement. Users found near 8500 Arkfalls, spending an average of seven minutes and 25 seconds on each, with an average completion rate of 84%.
While all these stats are great, the most important one of all was this: Over 50% of game registrants opted-in for ongoing email communication from Dodge. This means we were able to add thousands of prospective customers to our ongoing marketing communications program. It also demonstrates that we were reaching people in a way that highlighted the brand properly.