26 Jan Social Media Marketing Strategies for 2015
We created Ignite Social Media in 2007 and so much has changed in the intervening eight years.
- The rise of Facebook brand pages and the fall of organic reach;
- Brands chasing likes and followers, encouraged in part by the social networks themselves;
- Twitter gradually introducing an algorithm to its feed;
- The great promise of social ads (excellent targeting) failing mightily;
- The introduction of new networks, from Instagram to Snapchat, with rapidly changing audience demographics;
- The rise of the mobile phone, becoming the #1 device for accessing social media.
Given that, how should brands build best-in-class social media marketing strategies for 2015? I’ve given this presentation around the country in the last few months, so I’ve created a version that you can flip through and read for yourself.
Do let me know in the comments if you have any questions.