What Social Media Marketers Want for the Holidays


With the holidays right around the corner, it’s time for many of us to make our holiday wish lists. For those in the social media world, most of our dreams consist of updates and improvements to make our lives easier and help us do our jobs more efficiently.  Here are just a few of our top wishes for the holidays.

The Ability to Schedule Content on Instagram

Many of us would love to see this feature roll out on Instagram. In the words of one of our fellow community managers, Kaity, it “would be the bee’s knees.” Right now the process is cumbersome and time consuming, as you have to post manually each day. The ability to schedule content eliminates the need for thousands of sticky note reminders, phone alarms, and constantly logging into channels every day to post.


The Ability to Edit Tweets after Posting

Twitter rolled out some great new features this year, but editing tweets after posting has still eluded us. Currently, if you want to edit a tweet after posting it, you have to delete the entire tweet and re-post. This process means you’ll lose all the engagement garnered from the tweet and have to start back at square one. The idea of editing a tweet after posting would help to avoid this scenario.


Improvements to Showing ROI Based on Social Efforts

ROI! That one measurement every marketer strives to use as a way of proving their program or campaign was successful. In social media, it can be tough to prove ROI, making it difficult to justify the need for social media in the eyes of some executives and board members. Improvements in the ability to show if an influencer program or social media feature (like Facebook Offers) drove sales would be wonderful for social media marketers.


The Ability to Buy Directly from Social on More Platforms

Big changes are happening in the world of social media when it comes to buying products directly from social. For example, you have buyable pins on Pinterest. While other channels are introducing these features, they’re still just launching and haven’t been fine tuned. It would be great to see a day when every social channel gives you the option to buy products with a simple click directly from social. This would also help us solve some of the ROI question from our wish list above.


Halt the Organic Reach Declining Trend

It’s no surprise that organic reach on many social channels is falling. Social media has become a pay to play space, where you need to use money to help boost your content’s visibility. This is a trend that many social media marketers wish would reverse, especially with how much beautiful content is coming from influencers and content teams.


So that’s just a few of our top picks for what we want for the holidays. But we’d love to hear from you. What social media updates or tools are you wishing for the holidays? What new trends do you want to see appear in 2017? Tell us in the comments below!