A Little Ignite Milestone

When you do social media marketing, and when you’re building a social media agency using the tools that you preach about, you spend an awful lot of time checking the analytics, looking at the growth in subscribers, checking inbound links to you, etc. We regularly shout these things around the office at one another.

For a while, we’ve been watching our Technorati authority numbers to see how many people are linking to us and how we rank against other blogs. Today we broke into the top 100,000 blogs in the world when our authority hit 72.

Now, being ranked 99,658th in something is usually not much of a milestone, but we were just realizing that when there are over 112,800,000 blogs being tracked by Technorati, that means that the Ignite Social Media blog ranks ahead of 99.91% of all the blogs in the world.

I guess that’s something to be proud of, particularly for a site that went live only 5 months ago.

It also makes me want to bow down to higher-ranked sites that link to us like TopRankBlog (authority 3,195. Lee, are you KIDDING me? You’re the man.), WebProNews (582), PRSquared (396), and many more. While we’re proud of the start we’ve got here, we learn a LOT from you guys (and the whole social media marketing community) every day. We recognize that there’s a long way to go for this little company.

So thanks for reading, thanks for honoring us with your links. The social media marketing community is such a great, open group of people sharing. We all have lots of work left to do as we re-invent corporate communications with these tools! Onward.

(P.S. If you’re wondering, Engadget is currently the blog with the highest authority-with 31,314 inbound links-because it’s a great source for tech info.)