Over the past several weeks, we’ve heard a lot of chatter within the influencer community around Pinterest’s updated Acceptable Use Policy and Advertising Rules. It seems Pinterest has been penalizing influencers for “spam,” but many of our influencer partners are a bit confused about what...

I recently sat on a round table at the Internet Summit (#ISUM14) where the topic was “Search & Social” with an emphasis on content marketing and social promotions. I loved discussing our strategies behind social with a group of like-minded professionals including: Scott Gardner – SVP,...

Frequently brands come to us looking for a social program that spans globally with some sort of sweepstakes component for fans and followers. The sticking point of the sweepstakes is often this: To run a truly global sweepstakes in every country is legally impossible. While that...

It's finally time for our next installment of  26 Social Media Fan Page Examples in Detail. Today's post focuses on one of my favorite places to shop for some of my most intimate apparel, Victoria's Secret (VS). Victoria’s Secret has a colossal Facebook following with...

Noah Everett stopped by the office so I pulled him aside to get a bit of information on what sets Twitpic apart. Did you know the Hudson Plane Crash broke on Twitpic? Noah also gave us a little insight into just how much Twitpic has...

I was pretty excited to research Yoplait because I'm a big fan of the brand and its delicious flavors; just thinking about Yoplait Delights has me salivating. Num Num. Additionally, Yoplait is a major advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness which is a cause...

Number 18 on our list of 26 Social Media Marketing Examples is Rubbermaid. I was pretty excited about researching Rubbermaid because I'm secretly an organization freak! I love buying new organizational supplies and finding ways to organize anything and everything. An organized house makes for...

Since so many of our followers enjoy the 26 Social Media Marketing Examples that was started by our very own Lisa Braziel and later joined by Anne Brannon, who recently wrote Social Media Marketing Example #13: Miller Brewing Company, I thought I'd jump in and...

To clarify, I'm not referring to the search functionality but instead to driving site traffic. So, is Facebook the new Google? According to Herd, Facebook has only a third of Google's traffic in the US....

We all knew it was simply a matter of time. There was no way something as popular as Twitter could go without being plagued by a spamming issue- something all of our favorite social networking sites have experienced. Mashable's Adam Ostrow predicted it in March...