There are literally millions of blogs in the world. According to Pingdom, there were 70 million blogs on WordPress and 39 million blogs on Tumblr at the end of 2011. That's not even counting self-hosted blogs and blogs on other platforms. With so many blogs...

Recently, we took a look at why social media marketers should be paying attention to online TV. This time, let's take a look at which TV shows are already using social media to enhance the viewing experience of their audience - thereby creating more loyalty...

Television viewing is not the boring, couch-potato activity it used to be. With the advent of social media, viewing has become increasingly participatory and it's time for marketers to take notice – and take advantage of this hot new trend. Another clear trend in interactive TV...

There have been a number of studies done on successful viral marketing campaigns in the United States. Some viral videos are more outrageous than others, whether they involve teenage girls with mediocre voices becoming overnight sensations or grown men making fools of themselves in character...

Social networks are pretty inescapable for most of us these days - and in this industry, people just don't know what to do with anyone who isn't already on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest...