It’s been no secret that there has been a long-standing rumbling that Snapchat has lost their game. Instagram stories and Facebook stories came out fighting against the app and have excelled in bringing over traffic. That doesn’t mean that Snapchat is down for the count...

Most of us know what a sweepstakes is versus a contest (if not, I’m here to help) but what about surprise & delights? It’s just like it sounds, surprise a fan and they’ll be delighted. Everyone loves a good surprise and fans love it even...

Commemorating the movement for women’s rights, International Women’s Day falls on March 8th every year. Coming from a woman owned agency, it’s only fitting that we take a moment to recognize women from around the globe. Starting at A and heading down to Z we've...

There are many ways to engage with fans as a brand. Fan of the week competitions, open ended questions and what we're going to talk about today, trivia! Back in the day when speaking about trivia, I’d think about the board game Trivial Pursuit and...

How many social channels do you know about? The main ones like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest? Maybe Redditt, Tumblr and Snapchat. If you’re in the United States that might be the extent of your social channel knowledge but what about other countries? If you’re...

New Year coming up, means new Influencers to follow. We’ve served up a handful of influencers to follow throughout this year so it’s only fitting that we end the year with a few more. The Brunch Boys Serious pizza requires a serious face. Who doesn’t love brunch?...

It may seem like old news to some but, there are still a decent amount of people out there that don’t seem to know there are FTC Influencer Guidelines. One of the most important guidelines is surrounding disclosing a relationship between an influencer and a...

Since Snapchat launched six years ago, a lot has changed and not just with app updates. At first it seemed like an app just to send goofy photos back and forth to family members. It evolved into something more that inspired creativity and Snapchat influencers...

Whenever I think about DIY projects, I think of Pinterest Fails and how most of my crafts turn out. However, even with the failures, it’s difficult not to want to try the next DIY project that comes across my feed. It gives one a sense...

With technology it’s difficult to stay on top of things; phones are constantly being upgraded, new televisions come out all the time and video games keep releasing. That’s just a few items since computers and gadgets haven’t even been mentioned. It can be a struggle...

As social media continues to evolve, channels strive to increase their users by making updates to their platforms. Snapchat is a platform that continues to make updates in order to stay relevant as giants like Facebook/Instagram create features to rival them. Back in August it was...