Starting today, our client Windows is rolling out a new program as a way to debut their new Windows MySpace profile. In a nutshell, Windows is subsidizing your downloading of over 1,000 songs from a selection of bands featured on It's an interesting marketing...

By now you're probably aware of the great Facebook vanity username (or vanity URL) gold rush that takes place this Saturday (pssst: It's actually late Friday. Don't miss it by 24 hours) . If not, this screenshot explains it in a nutshell: But what does it...

* It's so easy to share a status update, a Tweet, a Qik video. * It's so easy to log-in on Brightkite and show exactly where you are, and then have that update your Facebook status. ...

Forrester's recent report on The Future of The Social Web made some interesting predictions about where social media marketing is heading, and how major brands will need to respond. We've clearly moved beyond Social Relationships and into Social Functionality, and the early signs of Social...

Unless you're reading this in our RSS feed, you've probably noticed the site redesign that launched late Thursday. I'd love to have your candid feedback on it....

I came across an interesting post on Marketing Pilgrim that pointed at a new study by the CMO Council called "Giving Customer Voice More Volume". It seems that Chief Marketing Officers understand the need to listen to, amplify and react to customer input, but they...

There's been a lot written about where social media is going in 2009, lots of New Year's predictions, but we focus here solely on corporate social media marketing. 2008 was social media crystal ballthe year where many more corporations realized they needed to get into...