In December, as part of a tongue-in-cheek print ad, we listed 25 social media buzzwords that make you feel cool if you say them. Surprisingly, that post still gets a fair amount of traffic, and with so many people new to social media, we...

Periodically, in our work in social media, we discuss flash mobs with clients. (Usually, we don't, but when it's the right idea, they can be great.) People often ask us, "What is a flash mob?"...

I know, you've dreamed since you were a kid about working in a social media agency. (Man, you had some vivid dreams Nostradamus… you need to start writing those down…)...

Over the last day or two, it struck me that a lot of social media marketers haven't consciously considered the difference between a social media strategy and a social media campaign. Understanding the distinction is the key to long-term success in this space....

One of the theories around social media marketing is that you need to drop your hook where the fish are. Tech-savvy consumers, particularly younger tech-savvy consumers, eschew traditional marketing vehicles (like TV) and are generally so annoyed by advertising that they have tuned it out....

In my experience, clients calling a social media agency like Ignite are trying to figure out how to get more traffic to their website. A laudable goal. So in instances where we talk about incorporating widgets into their strategy, we often get blank stares....

What's this? Anyone know? I'm on Fox Sports tonight looking at some Super Bowl coverage and I see a link that says "Start Your Own Sports Blog." Being a social media geek, I check it out. The status bar says it's going to take...

One of the things that social media is great at is soliciting and distributing user-generated video. With all the platforms available now (from YouTube to Viddler to Seesmic and JustinTV), creating and sharing video has never been easier. As a social media agency...

Ok, it's Friday. I'm busy. Grabbing lunch now and decided to search "funny social media" to see if I could find some Friday fun to share. Found Lee Hopkins Wiki, on which he had placed this image from a Wired Geekipedia page. ...