Introduction: Accessibility Matters More Than Ever Look at how far platforms like TikTok have evolved—social media has become more than just a way to connect with others online. It’s developed into a search tool, a source of endless entertainment (cue the doomscrolling), and a place to...

You can’t talk social media anymore without mentioning TikTok. The wildly popular social media platform has taken off since its launch in 2016 booming its way to the top of “best of” and “most popular” charts in countries across the world. As people are spending increasingly...

Have you heard of Instagram Restrict? Surprisingly, not many people have. Restrict, which originally rolled out in a 2019 update, went overlooked by many people and agencies amid the rapidly changing social space. The feature was created to give account owners and community managers the ability...

What is Instagram Reels? Social media giant Instagram recently rolled out its newest feature: Reels. With this addition, users can now create, edit, and share short-form video clips of up to 30 seconds to a news feed within the app. Instagram is testing multiple placements...

2020 has been quite the year for social media. From political and social movements to the Covid-19 pandemic, people have had more reason to get involved and voice their opinions on social media. With an emerging influx of new engaging users, we have seen a...