As a social media agency, we have mostly gotten inquires from companies who are a) Not sure if or how they should enter social media or b) They have been thrown into social media and need some help....

For those of you who happen to read this blog, (and who also live in areas around and encompassing the Triangle)- we’d like to announce that we are starting a Triangle chapter of the Social Media Club. Our first meeting will take place on Wednesday, November...

According to an article in Marketing Daily, a survey of 50 businesses and organizationsmeasuring2.jpg was conducted in September by Prospero Technologies. Survey questions ranged from what current social media applications were being used, plans and budgets for 2008, ROI, how ROI is measured/assessed, and...

When I think social media, words like knowledge – people – conversation – share – inform come to mind, not format – standardization – template – branded. The idea behind a Social Media Press Release (SMPR) template is flawed, why put yourself, your company, your...

This morning I found an excellent post written by Karl Long over at ExperienceCurve discussing his ideas on co-creative marketing, a concept he feels is similiar to viral marketing but as he put it "more holistic", as it builds value over time through usersharing.jpg...

With the buzz of social media, I've seen companies post their 30 second TV spot on YouTube and call it a social media campaign. Working for a social media agency, I've called many out on it. ...

This morning I saw an article that Martha Stewart will be entering social networking through a new site called "Marthapedia". This site, according to Adage will Martha Stewartbe "seeded with existing content from Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, such as Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook, but...

Lately, the sterotypical "anti-social" view of gamers is changing. First the Nintendo Wii showed that a successful game isn't always the ones with the best graphics, but the one that brings people together. Now, the introduction of Halo 3 may show that a successful game...