As most of us are probably aware, Facebook, along with a myriad of other changes, took away the "Become A Fan" functionality and renamed it "Like." Of course, "Like" existed before, but it was something you could do in response to an action. Now, rather...

Recently, using social media for charities and non-profits has been the conversation topic du jor, due in no small part to the massively successful text donation campaign for Haiti implemented by The Red Cross. Social media for non-profits and causes has been steadily evolving in...

With the holidays looming just around the corner, and us being the internet lurking folk that we are, I'm pretty sure that we all capitalized on good deals and got our Cyber Monday on. But just in case you didn't get a chance to fulfill...

In one of my recent blog posts, I touched on the idea of social review tools and how much I believe in the idea of customer reviews. It sparked a fair amount of conversation about the power of reviews, especially negative reviews. ...

We're excited to start spreading the word about an opportunity from us here at Ignite, and our client, Nature Made SAM-e Complete ®. It's called the "Good Mood Gig" Talent Search, and we are actively seeking a blogger to post daily about your good...

These days, I don't spend my money anywhere until I've read customer reviews. From a new apartment to skincare products, if I have a choice between my total lack of knowledge and someone else's experience, I'm going to take their opinion into heavy consideration. ...

In his eternal campaign to impart his SEO wisdom upon us copywriters here at Ignite, Brian Chappell is forever introducing us to tools that can help make us writers more proficient and productive. A big part of getting us aesthetically sensitive artsy types to...

I love it when people psychoanalyze social media. It's interesting to me that people get so frightened by what is "lost" by having a strong virtual presence and engaging with social media on a daily basis. There are those who become anxiously aware of the lack...

There comes a point in every blogger's life when, despite their best efforts, they find themselves scraping the bottom of the barrel. Maybe it's the heat in the dead of summer, the fact that everyone is on vacation while you toil away at the old...

Two of the most commonly confused concepts in social media are the idea of "social" versus "interactive." Simply put, interactive means that there is stuff for people to do on your website beyond just reading. There are levels of interactivity, and for today's post, I'm...

I love widgets. If there is any kind of functional piece of eye candy that I can use to decorate the sidebar of my blog, I am all over it. If I worked at TGIFriday's, I would have more flair on my vest than any...

Occasionally when I tell someone that I work in social media, I get an eye roll and a snide comment that typically includes some version of the phrase "get a real job." Fortunately, I was a Women's Studies major in college and I am therefore...