The 5th year of our social network analysis brought to light some interesting trends regarding Social Networking. Instead of pointing out specifics from our findings, we thought it might be interesting to ask several other social media practioners what they thought about the future of Social Networks....

It's no surprise to me when Go Daddy trys to be controversial. It seems to happen quite a bit for folks who follow tech/industry news. I wanted to share a quick example of why its super duper important to keep an eagle's eye watch on...

After attending Pubcon for the fifth year and speaking there for the third time, I’m happy to say the event was as successful this year as it has been in the past. Brett Tabke and his team did a really good job putting on another great...

Google is big on personalization nowadays. If you are like me and have ever wondered, why is Google showing me this result near the top of my SERPs (search engine results page), and how exactly is Google attributing this social connection to me, then this...

I just got back from another successful Search Exchange here in Charlotte NC and would like to share with you the presentation I gave while there. I discussed matters that often get overlooked by small, medium and large companies alike: Aesthetic and usability tactics as they affect...

From time to time you find studies that put a handle on the sheer volume and effect that certain social/web applications have had on the marketplace. Understanding adoption rates for new media technologies can really help companies with their strategies for attacking the web. Should...

My fellow Social Media Practitioners will find the new social API connectiveness tool If This Then That ( an amazing way to streamline your content and your social media accounts. They tout themselves as a tool that alleviates the need to code, just think about things...

Looking to start a company? Awesome. It’s a really good time to do so. The average individual is more connected than ever before. This makes leveraging social channels increasingly complex but all the more vital and beneficial for companies. If you are looking to promote your...

Google, as a company, is one of the most powerful PR machines in the world. In recent times Google has started discussing openly the lack of importance of Pagerank, which has been the main driving factor behind ranking in Google since its inception around 2001. They...

Social media monitoring is a critical aspect to any well thought-out social strategy implementation. Many practitioners often question whether or not today’s tools justify the spend and, even more importantly, what tools should be used for their company’s specific situation. The honest truth that most...

If you have ever managed a Facebook ad campaign you might have realized by now how painful it can be to run advertisements at scale. Although Facebook’s internal ad manager tool has its downfalls, Facebook has an Ad API which it has allowed a few...