I am just getting back from speaking at another successful Pubcon and I can say that the conference was a hit. Lots of tracks, lots of content, lots to share. In typical fashion I dont attempt to beef up my session notes in any format...

I just got back from another great conference put on by the guys at Blueglass. This is their 2nd conference since merging and I must say they are quickly making a name for themselves. They are one of the few conferences I have seen in...

Here at Ignite Social Media we like to stay abreast of trends and insights from notable industry experts inside and outside of the Social Media space. One of the best ways to do so is attending niche conferences around the country. I have had the...

Zappos is one of those companies that gets thrown around whenever social media case studies come up. If you have followed the industry over the last 2 years you have undoubtedly seen them come up in PowerPoint presentations and various speeches on the topic of ‘who's doing...

As most fellow geeks are aware of Facebook announced the purchase of real time microblogging platform Friendfeed yesterday. Without any delay they then announced later that night that users will now be able to search across peoples profiles and wall postings, something that has never...