There are literally millions of blogs in the world. According to Pingdom, there were 70 million blogs on WordPress and 39 million blogs on Tumblr at the end of 2011. That's not even counting self-hosted blogs and blogs on other platforms. With so many blogs...

I just got back from another successful Search Exchange here in Charlotte NC and would like to share with you the presentation I gave while there. I discussed matters that often get overlooked by small, medium and large companies alike: Aesthetic and usability tactics as they affect...

The inspiration for this blog post came about a year ago when I spied a tweet lamenting the fact that "Best of…" blog lists often neglect to include women bloggers. Perhaps some writers don’t read the plethora of smart and savvy women bloggers out there,...

A few weekends ago, I had the opportunity to attend BlogHer '11 in sunny San Diego, California with my coworker, Cassandra. Every year, the BlogHer conference brings women bloggers together to connect and share ideas and stories, and to learn some blogger best practices. I had...

Today, I will take a look into the findings of Technorati's most recent report, the State of the Blogosphere 2010. This report delves into the demographics and statistics of the bloggers and the latest trends throughout the blogosphere. This report covers a wide range of...

There comes a point in every blogger's life when, despite their best efforts, they find themselves scraping the bottom of the barrel. Maybe it's the heat in the dead of summer, the fact that everyone is on vacation while you toil away at the old...

The late, great Hunter S. Thompson might be remembered best for his unadulterated drug use, his take-no-prisoners journalism, or his famous aviators and steel jaw clenched cigarette. No matter what you know or think of the good doctor, he made an impact on journalism with...

Out of all the social media characters in the deck, bloggers seem to be a very particular kind of creature, mainly because blogging requires a particular micro/macro mindset and a slightly thickened skin. Since gaining popularity in recent years, more people are aware of...

I think the hardest thing for a blogger is the moment that the initial newness and excitement wears off. You are faced with what is perhaps one of the hardest realizations: and that is, "I have to keep this going"....

Anyone who has been blogging for more than 90 days or so has likely seen their work sucked up and re-appropriated on a spam blog. (In fact, I'm pretty sure this article will end up on one or more, ironically.) I noticed on Twitter the...