SXSW Interactive, which is also known as Spring Break for Geeks, is absolutely packed this year. Unlike last year, conferences are spread among 10 "campuses" instead of being located solely at the Austin Convention Center. Thus I find myself at the Hyatt, across the river,...

Are you going to be in Austin Friday night? If so, have you RSVP'd for what promises to be the hottest unofficial party at SXSW? Why should you go? Well, not only does it promise to be one giant, awesome party at two Austin hotspots...

(UPDATE 2/21): The first 1,000 tickets sold out quickly. But we just released 500 more. Get em while they last.) Anyone who has been to South by Southwest knows that the parties are nearly as important as the sessions. The networking opportunities, the fun, your Twitter stream...

I am just getting back from speaking at another successful Pubcon and I can say that the conference was a hit. Lots of tracks, lots of content, lots to share. In typical fashion I dont attempt to beef up my session notes in any format...

I just got back from another great conference put on by the guys at Blueglass. This is their 2nd conference since merging and I must say they are quickly making a name for themselves. They are one of the few conferences I have seen in...

I need your help. We've got a panel under consideration for the next SxSW Interactive Festival in Austin, TX. If you're not familiar with SxSW (South by Southwest, or "South by") it's basically spring break for geeks--a mega conference. Great event, but last year's breakout sessions...

Here at Ignite Social Media we like to stay abreast of trends and insights from notable industry experts inside and outside of the Social Media space. One of the best ways to do so is attending niche conferences around the country. I have had the...

I got excited about his panel because it seemed to speak to me specifically, and sure enough, it really delivered. The panel concentrated on two aspects of web writing, first is to explore writing web content, and secondly how to write web content for a...

One of the more interesting panels I was able to attend at this year's South by Southwest Interactive Festival was called "Can the Real-Time Web Be Realized?" As status updates (via Twitter, via Facebook, via Foursquare) become increasingly important, the ability to figure out what's...