I just got back from Pubcon 2008 and it was incredible. The content was solid, although I did see a lot of people copy and paste presentations from last year, other then that though I got some solid ideas to run with. This year was the...

Today I will be jet setting down to the tropical state of Florida to present at ScarySEO. It is a small mini-con lasting 2 days with many upincoming bright minds in the field of SEO, SEM and Social Media. This is the first of hopefully...

Hi all! I just wanted to make sure all of you had heard of the official re-launch the Social Media Club RDU tomorrow (in case you've been hiding under a rock!). No longer am I manning the club by my lonesome, the folks at iContact...

After tossing around some ideas for this month's social media club – Wayne Sutton helped me wrangle not just one, but three discussion leaders who will lead us through Flickr and answering questions like how it applies to social networking, flickr mashups, and pretty...

This month's Social media club will be led by yours truly. I am going to be discussing the different forms of promoting content on the web today, and the inherent impact that has on the search engines, as well your site. ...

This morning at the Triangle Social Media Club, Kipp Bodnar led the group's discussion regarding the business applications of podcasting. I will attempt to recap some of our highlights for those who couldn't wake up at 8am :-) For those companies or individuals that may...

Now that we are getting back in the swing of things for 2008, it's time to vent all the pent up "social media talk" you spared your family from during the holidays....

Hi all you Triangle social media clubbers! A couple weeks ago I reached out through email to all of you and have heard mixed responses regarding whether or not to have a December meeting. Sorry for the delay in announcement – lately things are "heating up"...