It’s that time of year again. The time when there’s a chill in the air and the entire office seems to have a case of the winter blues. Hopefully, you have survived the hectic holidays, embraced your winter body and paid up your Netflix account....

These industry giants can be mythic, intimidating figures to us average joes, but, through the magical whimsy of bitmoji, these tech greats become a lot more relatable! Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO This once child prodigy has become a full-fledged member of the tech elite, and a bona...

You’ve seen the headlines. “Social Media Predicted (insert disaster/major event here)”. However, it seems these headlines only appear after an event takes place. What if we evaluate social media for trends to predict the future? Could current trends about topics tell us what might be...

The new year is almost here, and it’s time for a new start for many social media trends. We’ve seen plenty of changes and innovations in 2016, with many more certainly in store for 2017. Here are a few things that social media marketers should...

While the year isn’t over just yet, a lot has already happened in 2016. From the Olympics to Harambe, the elections and everywhere in between, it has been a busy year. Thanks to all of these events and more, the social sphere hasn’t been any...

The year is winding down, and none of us want to be caught off-guard by the Paul Revere of content planning yelling “The holidays are coming!” It’s not just important to have holiday content, it’s important that you have the right holiday content for your...

“Oh, you’re a community manager? Must be nice to hang out on Twitter all day.” “Really, social media is a job now? What a time to be alive.” When I tell people I’m a Community Manager, those are probably the two most common responses. I get it,...

Every so often we tend to see lists appear across the internet, speaking to some of the best places in the world to work. Some of these places have the best technology, an exquisite location or even better, an excellent benefits program. At Ignite Social Media,...

Between all of the interactions that occur on a day-to-day basis, it’s almost inevitable that some brands would end up conversing with others on Twitter. While exchanges between celebrities are generally a heated battle, big brands need to show their humanity through these interactions. Twitter feuds...

Back in August of 2007, Chris Messina tweeted: Twitter founder Evan Williams didn’t think users would be so into Mr. Messina’s “pound” suggestion to create groups, thinking it was too technical for the social network. But it turns out, he was wrong. Very wrong, really. The...