Digital Privacy Takes Center Stage in 2021 As the digital space continues its evolution, two very important privacy situations are unfolding that can fundamentally change the marketing landscape. The Addition of App Transparency Tracking Since Apple announced in the middle of last year that it would be ramping...

As an application with more than 100 million daily active users, revamping your chat platform is a pretty big deal. Luckily, users are loving what Snapchat is referring to as Chat 2.0 as it gives a much wider range of ways to communicate with other...

There is a side of the World Wide Web that resembles the Wild Wild West. Just as the villains in old western movies wore black hats and the heroes wore white hats, today “white-hat hackers” are proving to be the John Waynes of open-source software. High-visibility...

* It's so easy to share a status update, a Tweet, a Qik video. * It's so easy to log-in on Brightkite and show exactly where you are, and then have that update your Facebook status. ...