Occasionally when I tell someone that I work in social media, I get an eye roll and a snide comment that typically includes some version of the phrase "get a real job." Fortunately, I was a Women's Studies major in college and I am therefore...

If you've ever written a blog post, read a blog, or had an opinion on anything in the blogosphere at all, chances are you've encountered a negative comment. In some cases, the vitriol of negative comments are the driving force behind the blog itself (see...

In an age where it is becoming increasingly important to be able to understand and utilize the web, it's also important to establish an online identity. Because of the lack of face-to-face communication online, it is often that we hide behind a veil of anonymity....

As a social media agency, we have mostly gotten inquires from companies who are a) Not sure if or how they should enter social media or b) They have been thrown into social media and need some help....