Social media is taking up more time in terms of online activities; therefore, its’ users are generating more content to consume. With the influx of content, marketers are likely wondering how this additional branded content is impacting SEO. This post will take a closer look...

I recently sat on a round table at the Internet Summit (#ISUM14) where the topic was “Search & Social” with an emphasis on content marketing and social promotions. I loved discussing our strategies behind social with a group of like-minded professionals including: Scott Gardner – SVP,...

Google, as a company, is one of the most powerful PR machines in the world. In recent times Google has started discussing openly the lack of importance of Pagerank, which has been the main driving factor behind ranking in Google since its inception around 2001. They...

In his eternal campaign to impart his SEO wisdom upon us copywriters here at Ignite, Brian Chappell is forever introducing us to tools that can help make us writers more proficient and productive. A big part of getting us aesthetically sensitive artsy types to...

Lets face it, the underling algorithms used by the top players in search are slowly becoming archaic. We are fast approaching a time when the need for new algorithmic measures are becoming more and more important. Gaming is as rampant as ever, and the...