When you work in social media marketing for some of the world's largest brands, you spend a lot of time analyzing various programs. Over the years, we've seen an awful lot of success with social media marketing across a wide array of applications. That's why...

Last night was America's first opportunity to witness 2012 presidential candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, go head to head in a debate. In addition to being a critical moment in the election, the debate also proved to be a defining moment for social media...

It's definitely one of the greater mysteries of the social media sphere: why the heck don't we have access to the official Twitter analytics? When they first announced it back in September 2011, the initial advice was that it would be released publicly to everyone...

Social media metrics are something always at the forefront of our minds here at Ignite Social Media. That's why when we noticed a recent article by e-Marketer entitled, "Social Campaigns Give Long Term Boost to Brand Metrics" our ears perked up a bit, emails...

Enterprise business intelligence analysts are getting a new toy to play with, this one addressing the rapidly evolving field of social media analytics. SAS, practically our neighbor just up the road in Cary, NC, launched their new Social Media Analytics solution this past week in...

Yeah, I know I'm late to the Woopra party, but I JUST got this thing working on my Mac. What is Woopra? It's the latest entry in the very crowded web analytics space. Why would anyone be interested in using something other than GOOG Analytics?...