It has certainly been a trying time for Facebook these last few months. First, it was fake news, and now privacy concerns have hit an all-time high. Facebook lost about $100B in market value over these issues. Is the mistrust among users and a significant...

This business with Cambridge Analytica is kind of a mess which makes distilling what’s really going on a challenge. Below I’ve included answers to some key questions to help you make sense of what’s going on. Was it a Hack or a Leak? Neither. At the time...

Sure, you don’t need alcohol to have a good time, but marketers of everything from high-end liquor to cheap mass-produced beer want you to think so. In addition, it helps bring your friends together and make memories, allows you to maintain your healthy lifestyle, and...

A lot happened this month in social media with most of the news centered around the Facebook privacy scandal. If you are just catching up, here are some highlights for April. Facebook Faced Congress During the middle of the month, Zuckerberg spent a few intense days testifying...

Drones and the amazing content they’re capable of capturing are much more attainable these days, so it may make sense to add some sky-high photos and videos to your brand’s content mix. Before you head off to location and take to the skies, make sure...

Having a strong social media presence is mandatory for brands these days. Along with that comes a direct line for consumers and fans to communicate with the brand, which can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, you can form relationships with your fans and...

Facebook has been all over the news in recent months, and not for good reasons. While it’s hard to picture a world where it isn’t the biggest social media network, nothing is ever certain in social media. Few people anticipated Facebook would be the behemoth...

Gone are the days of social media networks simply being fun places to post pictures, emo song lyrics, and connect with friends (or make them upset by not putting them in your Top 8 on MySpace). Social media is now a massive world full of...

We’re proud to announce that alongside our client, Visit the Outer Banks of North Carolina (Outer Banks) we’ve won the Shorty Award in the Large Media Buying Strategy category. The Shorty awards recognize the most influential, popular, and culturally relevant brands, organizations, agencies, campaigns and...

With the increased buzz around chatbots, messenger apps, and artificial intelligence, many marketers are beginning to feel the pressure of establishing a chatbot strategy that both lives up to customer expectations and makes marketing sense for their particular business. Although the chatbot hype is at an...

Creating a thorough social media strategy is an important part of your overall marketing strategy. It should have information defining your social media objectives & KPIs, paid media plan, which channels are right for you, how often you should publish on each network, community engagement guidelines and best practices, and every...

Social media moves quickly and changes from one minute to the next. It’s important to stay up-to-date on all the goings on to keep your social strategy fresh and effective. Here are five ways to stay ahead of the game: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Snapchat...

Ignite Social Media