As the year draws to a close, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on some of the moments in social media and social media marketing that left me saying "uhhhhh...
Periodically, I try to lay out my predictions on the future of social media, particularly as it relates to social media marketing. Half-way through calendar year 2009 seems like a good time to talk about the latest, particularly as two recent moves by major web...
There's been a lot written about where social media is going in 2009, lots of New Year's predictions, but we focus here solely on corporate social media marketing. 2008 was social media crystal ballthe year where many more corporations realized they needed to get into...
As you can probably imagine, we really love a well-executed viral marketing campaign in this office. And there is nary a viral video that goes unwatched, sometimes repeatedly, within the four walls of our headquarters. Just ask us about Shane Mercado and...
In the spirit of Halloween, I want to do some grave digging for some aspects of social media that are really starting to stink. These things are all, in my opinion, superfluous, outrageous, and annoying. Sure, plenty of them are still palatable to social media...
On Monday in Wilmington, North Carolina (a mere 120 miles from Ignite) the FCC turned off the analog airwaves, turning Wilmington into America's first all-digital city. The change, coming five months before the nation-wide switch, is to figure out what will and won't run...
All we do here at Ignite Social Media is social media marketing. So we watch it carefully, looking for trends, what's coming next, what's likely to bubble up. And it's got me thinking. I believe that social media is in its infancy....
Since I've started working at a social media agency, I've been a lot more aware of the kind of role social media and other new media plays in other aspects of our society. For instance, I recently watched a great episode of South Park, (one...
Periodically, in our work in social media, we discuss flash mobs with clients. (Usually, we don't, but when it's the right idea, they can be great.) People often ask us, "What is a flash mob?"...
e-Marketer reported last week that "only 7.75%" of online marketing spending was dedicated to social media campaigns. They even suggest that "Web 2.0 is an also-ran in spending to online ads."...
This morning I found an excellent post written by Karl Long over at ExperienceCurve discussing his ideas on co-creative marketing, a concept he feels is similiar to viral marketing but as he put it "more holistic", as it builds value over time through usersharing.jpg...
A couple days ago I ran across this video of an 8 year old dominating the game Guitar Hero. Of course I heard of it through my brother, whose friend showed it to him, and so on, as the pattern of most YouTube videos that...