Twitter's Trends list is where you can find the most recent topics being discussed by the Twitter community. Trending topics are determined by Twitter's algorithms that focus on new posts, breaking news, and hashtag volume. This article takes a look at how these algorithms work,...

Have you seen the new Twitter profile options? Twitter CEO Dick Costolo was on the Today Show last week to announce the changes, and surprisingly few people have jumped on the opportunity to date. The new profile has a header similar to the Facebook cover...

Twitter has announced new changes to the way users search their database. These changes could drastically affect the way brands draft their tweets. Overview of the New Twitter Search Last Thursday, Twitter Personalization and Recommender Systems Chief Pankaj Gupta announced via Tweet (#gofigure) that Twitter search was...

Part of what we do at Ignite is engage with target audiences on behalf of brands, primarily through blog outreach. So when I heard that TwitterMoms has set out to create the first "social seal of approval" by engaging with moms - I got...

Recently, using social media for charities and non-profits has been the conversation topic du jor, due in no small part to the massively successful text donation campaign for Haiti implemented by The Red Cross. Social media for non-profits and causes has been steadily evolving in...

Noah Everett stopped by the office so I pulled him aside to get a bit of information on what sets Twitpic apart. Did you know the Hudson Plane Crash broke on Twitpic? Noah also gave us a little insight into just how much Twitpic has...

Creative writing has made me a better copywriter, and copy writing has made me a better creative writer. You might be asking, "what's the difference?" and believe me, there are plenty of similarities, as both require creativity— but they are very different beasts altogether. Nonetheless,...

Twitter is on the rise. There's no doubt about it, and it will continue to rise. One of the things about Twitter that makes it such an attractive service is the variable nature of ways it can be used. So you're on Twitter, you're starting...

>At the behest of @influxed and @ashtonmae, I decided to do a brief round up of some best practices when managing the Twitter account for a company. There are companies that entrust their Twitter activities to a team of people, especially when updates...

With all the Facebook news as of late, it appears that Twitter thought they would join the user interface changing game as well. Select users are now able to see twitter search directly at the top of their profile pages. Along with that you...