15 Mar Day in the Life of an Account Executive at a Social Media Agency
How Did I Get Here?
In the world of social media marketing, one of the top questions our agency gets asked is “How do you structure your internal teams?” It’s not a complex answer but a rather simple one: we utilize a “Team Circle” approach, pulling in representatives from key disciplines that align with our clients business objectives and work collaboratively on a day-to-day basis.
Now, how does someone like me fit within this circle? I’m glad you asked. At the “hub” of the Team Circle is the Account Representative from the Client Services Team. This person is responsible for leading team collaboration and program development. As such, this discipline’s lead is the day-to-day connect point to the client and the funnel for communication in and out of the agency.
How did I get here? Well it started with a degree in Marketing, accompanied with a double minor in Accounting and Design.
I know what you’re thinking: I must’ve accidentally walked into the wrong class on the first day and heard those dazzling words “debit, net income, and general ledger” and decided I just couldn’t leave. Well that can’t exactly be true for anyone pursuing a degree from the accounting department BUT I can honestly say that my degree matchup was all intentional. At least I can claim that after landing my first job as an Account Executive.
Every day I get to talk with clients, plan budgets, track costs, project delivery dates, estimate and update timelines, format presentations, brainstorm ideas and review creative work. I don’t have the same black and white agenda every day, nor do I use the same skill sets every day but that’s what keeps things so exciting.
Each day I’m handed new client challenges and given new tasks that require me to effectively communicate with accountants, content producers, community managers, and brand ambassadors. I’ve come to be grateful for the times I found myself running between two different ends of campus because as an Account Executive I have to have be able to maneuver through every department.
To some people, these Team Circles bring back nightmares of those dreaded college group projects where you’d sit down and someone would volunteer to do the whole project while everyone else would just sit back. Our Team Circles are nothing like that. Alternatively in these meetings you’ll more likely find yourself feeling like you’re sitting around a table at a really good dinner party. Everyone is excited to be there and has a lot to contribute to the conversation.
I feel lucky to go into work every day feeling like a host to a really great party. Most days I’m in meetings – sitting around a table, bringing a client challenge to a group of people I respect and value and each time I leave a conference room feeling inspired by other’s perspectives, experiences and energy. When it’s over, I get to deliver one heck of a dessert to our client- typically in the form of a beautifully laid out 90 page presentation.
After the Team Circle meeting for a new client, I join in on the creative meetings and program brainstorms with members from other disciplines like New Business, Program Strategy, Content Production and Community Management. What makes a Social Media Agency so fun is that every brainstorm has so much energy (and a lot of M&Ms). I appreciate that everyone comes to the table with different ideas and that we all feel secure enough to share even the most outlandish ones.
It’s those creative brainstorms that help us meet our clients expectations. Each time we sit as a Team Circle, we work to make sure that each brands’ objectives are met and that each piece of creative content organically fits the brands style.
After the Team Circles, creative meetings and program brainstorms, I get to be the one to partner directly with each client to ensure that their vision has been carried through. I’ll also translate any feedback they have to ensure that we craft the right deliverables. Every time a new project starts, I still get the “first day of school” jitters and I’m excited to meet with each and every new client. I love hearing everyone’s passion for the project and partnering with my team to meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.
At the end of the day, when the excel sheet formulas add up and that great piece of creative content hits record engagement levels for our clients, I just want to be able to relax and grab a drink with a few good friends. Lucky for me, I can head to the office tap, grab my co-workers along the way and celebrate the day with people I enjoy working with the most.