Ignite Social Media Party during SXSW: Swag Sneak Peek

Are you going to be in Austin Friday night? (<–Shameless client plug for Bing Destination Pages – Pretty neat little resource, huh?) If so, have you RSVP’d for what promises to be the hottest unofficial party at SXSW? (If you haven’t RSVP’d, hurry! We just released another–and final–batch of tickets.) As much as we’d love to see every last one of you there, we don’t want the fire marshal to shut us down – so get your name on this list, quick!)

Why should you go?  Well, not only does it promise to be one giant, awesome party at two Austin hotspots (Molotov & The Dogwood) but we have a special surprise for our guests.  Here’s a sneak peek:

I won’t tell you what they are, but I will tell you they’re a snack-sized, creativity-packed compilation of social media geek goodness developed by our very own Olivia Hayes & Bob Perman with a little help from their friends Jim Tobin, Jeremy Griffin, Craig Carter & Brent Soboleski.  (And we have a limited quantity to give away, so get there early!)
Any guesses?