The SXSW Experience in .gifs

While I am not a stranger to conferences full of people that earn their living on the internet (hello, BlogHer & Blissdom!), the 2014 SXSW Interactive Conference blew me away. Between the hustle of Austin & the incredible line-up of keynote speakers, it was 5 solid days of absorbing everything possible, from industry tips & career inspiration to chili tacos. I attended with a team of 10 coworkers, interesting-to-me sessions highlighted in my SXSW handbook, and a giddy naivety about the size of the conference.

The SXSW Interactive conference ran the gamut of emotions, from elation to awkwardness to just plain old exhaustion and so I give you the complete 2014 SXSW experience in .gifs!

When your boss asks if you’d like to join the team at SXSW:


Hosting an agency party on Friday night with your coworkers & everyone’s all:


When you realize it’s 39 degrees and raining, yet you only packed t-shirts and a light jacket:


 What? This is March in Austin, Texas?

Fearing that your hour-long wait to see Nas speak will be thwarted by over-capacity:


Having lunch with a client or agency you’ve been fangirling over:


Listening to Neil deGrasse Tyson & realizing that you know nothing. Absolutely nothing:


Finding yourself talking to the one person in Austin who predicts the social media profession will be dead in five years:


Six blocks away from the off-site panel you’re limping to make:


When a competing agency asks you to participate in their SXSW UGC program:


Finding a cluster of food trucks parked in one place:


Being in a session where the panel is completely off-topic & wondering if you can sneak out without being rude:


Checking your pages at the party because social media never sleeps:


Squatting at the only open outlet in the Convention Center:


Rocking the same free WordPress and Mass Relevance shirts as your coworkers to the airport:


In short?
