Brands Jump on #LoveWins…And Some Lose, Big Time

As billions of people celebrated The Supreme Court’s marriage ruling this morning, every social channel was ablaze with rainbow accouterments and celebratory posts. #LoveWins was trending on Twitter, the majority of Instagram’s new Trending Tags were focused on the breaking news, and Snapchat created a Live Event for Marriage Equality, collecting user’s snaps throughout the morning.

But let’s not be naïve here, this is tricky territory for brands. Jumping aboard such a historic and political event requires finesse and serious discernment.

Today, we too rallied. We rallied up the brands that supported the cause in the best possible way and, dare we say, those that might have been better off refraining.

The Good:

Target totally nailed it with this looping video and earnest copy on Instagram.

Here’s to having, holding and marrying who you love. #takepride #SCOTUSmarriage #lovewins

A video posted by Target (@target) on


Williams-Sonoma leveraged their famous cake mix to make a celebratory, no words needed video post on Instagram. Also, weddings…cake…it’s perfect.


A video posted by Williams-Sonoma (@williamssonoma) on


Walgreens kept it grounded in this simple but evocative Instagram post.

Love is Love. #LoveWins

A photo posted by Walgreens (@walgreens) on


Ben & Jerry’s and Gap stayed true to their supportive roots on Twitter.


Our client, Staples US played up color to show their support for #Equality. <a

Another client of ours, ConAgra, published a tweet that was right on track with the celebratory spirit of the day. The copy and creative subtly and effectively picked up on the cultural focus on community and happiness.

The Bad:

Many brands, like MasterCard and Staples US, repurposed creative assets to develop new social posts for the occasion. We love that agility and efficiency! But when New York Life promoted their tweet from June 5th, the tone didn’t totally fit the purely celebratory and supportive mode of most other social posts. Next week might have been a better time to start boosting a plug for life insurance. Timing is everything.


The age old “Put a logo on it!” technique doesn’t quite fly in this post from Oribe Hair Care.

Happy Pride! #LoveWins?

Posted by Oribe Hair Care on Friday, June 26, 2015


Delicious as these cookies do look, they feel too random coming from a personal grooming brand.

Love is for everyone… And tastes delicious! ? #lovewins #pride (@hol_fox makes good cookies!)

A photo posted by Yes To, Inc. (@yestocarrots) on