02 Oct The Holidays on Social: Dos and Don’ts
Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday we were snapping poolside selfies and buying popsicles by the dozen, but now we’re here–swapping out our sandals for sweaters and devouring all things pumpkin spice. It’s officially fall, which means the holiday season almost upon us. With that in mind, we’ve put together a guide for making the most of the holidays on social, so you can fill your content calendars with plenty of holiday hashtags and yuletide cheer.
Do: Engage Your Fanbase
During the holiday season, everyone’s buying. The holiday rush hits your fanbase hard, and they’re looking to brands to help them find the best deals and gifts, making this the perfect time to engage your audience. Interact with your fans by posting fun holiday themed questions, Facebook polls, and Instagram stories, or tap into the nostalgia and sentimentality of the season by asking followers to share their favorite holiday memories or recipes. The goal here is to create engaging and meaningful content that will connect with your audience, rather than spam their newsfeeds with a hard sell.
Do: Run Contests and Promotions
Promotions and giveaways are always a hit on social, but especially so during the holidays, when everyone is in the gifting spirit. Expand your brand’s reach and incentivize followers by offering delightful prizes and running exclusive promotions, sweepstakes, and contests. Be sure to keep the barrier to entry low, to increase engagement and generate UGC.
Do: Get Sentimental
While your goal is ultimately to drive sales for your brand, the holiday season isn’t just about shopping. Take a moment to think about your favorite holiday memory—more than likely, it isn’t a fancy gift, but a moment. Charitable acts, togetherness, and the importance of friends and family give this time of year meaning and make us feel all warm and fuzzy. Tap into the spirit of the season to create authentic, engaging and meaningful content that resonates with your audience and helps your brand tell a story.
Do: Plan Ahead
While you may pride yourself on your ability to complete your holiday shopping last minute, it’s best not to procrastinate on your social calendar. Given the sheer volume of messaging surrounding the holiday season, it pays (quite literally) to stay ahead. The holiday competition is fierce, with marketers the world over vying for consumer’s limited time and resources. To get your content noticed, your brand needs to stand out in a crowded space. One way to do so is by being the first to reach consumers. This means that your content for December should be created, scheduled, and set for boosting or promotion well before you start hearing “Jingle Bells” in the department store.
Don’t: Forget to Schedule Content
We cannot stress this enough! Between holiday parties, family gatherings, and gift shopping, the last thing you need to worry about is whether or not that Facebook post went live.
Don’t: Share Generic Well Wishes
Sharing a well wish to your followers is a lot like posting a generic “Happy Birthday!” on Facebook to someone you never speak to. It’s inauthentic and lazy—two things social content should never be. Make sure that any holiday content you produce has a clear focus and benefit for your followers (save the generic well wishes for your own personal holiday cards).
Don’t: Limit Content to One Platform
With the holidays being such an important time for marketers, it’s essential to bring your A-game to crafting holiday content. Everyone is vying for a piece of the same pie, which means that only campaigns with smart strategies and executions stand a chance. Similarly, brands that consistently churn out content on the same platform risk losing out on valuable audiences. Think beyond the grid and utilize Instagram Stories, capture attention with Facebook polls, and create videos that can be repurposed across channels to efficiently engage a large audience.
Don’t: Ignore the Holidays
While some brands have a natural advantage when it comes to the holidays, that doesn’t mean your brand has to sit the season out. Even if your brand is not one typically associated with the holidays (finance or healthcare, for example) look for creative and helpful ways to insert your brand into existing conversations. A financial institution could offer an infographic for budgeting for the holidays or when to snag the best deals, while a brand in the healthcare industry could share holiday safety tips or healthy recipes. Think outside the box when crafting holiday content and watch your engagement rates soar.
With these holiday tricks up your sleeve, you’re ready to take the season by storm. Looking to make this year your best yet? Contact us.