02 Nov 7 Influencers to Follow for Holiday Inspiration
Holidays are almost upon us, leading to gatherings and the need for new ideas. Decorating, recipes, maybe even the need for games start occupying our thoughts. We search for inspiration every year and what a better place to go for ideas than holiday influencers who live and breathe this type of stuff? No need to fret over holiday planning ideas when you can borrow inspiration from influencers!
Glitter, Inc.
A lot of people live for glitter, I’m not one of them but if you are, check out Lexi’s blog and channels (kidding, you don’t have to like glitter to look). From setting a fancy table for Thanksgiving to some great holiday recipes, there’s a lot to help spark ideas!
Sounds like a great menu to me and how cute are these?!
Meaningful Mama
A mother of three, Jodi finds the time to maintain her blog that has an excellent holiday section to provide a wide range of ideas no matter your need.
With this fun kid table idea, I may have to sit with the kids this year.
I’m going to attempt these, wish me luck!
Who Needs a Cape?
There are so many great holiday recipes on Lori’s blog it’s going to be difficult to pick one to recreate. There’s a handy Holiday section where you can narrow your ideas down to that specific day to celebrate.
This would be dangerous in my house and gone in a day
Bombshell Bling
Being a former elementary school teacher, Sarah shares recipes, DIY idea, kid crafts and most importantly, holiday ideas.
Pumpkin Spice Playdough anyone?
Embroidered Tree Necklace for those who want to make a handmade gift
Design Improvised
If you’re looking for some activities to keep your children busy, or just looking for something fun yourself to do. Go no further than Haeley’s blog that has a list of Holiday craft ideas.
Leaf suncatcher, a great activity and decoration for Thanksgiving
A blog for busy families, women and moms providing easy to prepare recipes, simple shortcuts & adorable party ideas.
Who wouldn’t want a Merry Mocktail bar at their holiday gathering?
Uncommon Designs
They take the ordinary, everyday and create the extraordinary. The home décor blog provides tutorials and ideas for seasonal inspiration and holiday decorating.
A fun easy project to spruce up your porch!
Whether you’re looking for ideas for your own holiday celebrations or a brand looking for someone to partner with, I hope these influencers come in handy. Not sure how to partner up with them, reach out to us!