Influencers Influence Purchase Behavior, Steal Eyeballs | Social You Should Know



Influencer content reportedly grabs one-fifth of our time spent consuming media, and a YouTube influencer makes $4,000 in just 90 minutes. That and more in this week’s edition of Social You Should Know.

A Whopping 19% of Total Media Consumption Now Goes to Influencers

At least according to a consumer survey released by a UK-based PR firm. They surveyed 1,000 internet users over the age of 16 and the results are impressions. Not only did the group report nearly one-fifth of their total time spent consuming content is spent pay attention to online influencers, but 57% said they’ve made a purchase based solely on an influencers recommendation – a stat that increases to 69% among millennials. Wow!

Think Influencer marketing is just for the young folk? Think again! The same survey found consumers over the age of 45 reporting a whopping 47 minutes per day spent consuming influencer content.

Shameless plug: Check out these Tips for Working with Influencers in 2017.

Facebook Takes a Step to Reduce “Fake News”

A major change to the “Trending Topics” section in the Facebook Newsfeed will remove the localized, friend-based algorithm previously in place that displayed trending topics based on what people around you were sharing. Instead, the new automated system will survey headlines from major news outlets and surface the same headlines to everyone across the U.S.

Super Chat Pays Out Super Dough for Early Users

Last week we told you about a new opportunity for creators on YouTube called Super Chat, which lets them collect money from users in exchange for surfacing comments at the top of their Live Chat stream for up to five hours. This week we learned one of those YouTube creators earned nearly $4,000 in just 90-minutes utilizing this new feature. I think I picked the wrong profession…

But seriously, while moves like this are great for the creators making the big bucks, it’s worth keeping an eye on as the costs of partnering with influencers continues to inflate with increased brand demand.

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