09 May Social Media Posts That Are Igniting 5-9
I’ve been a bit busy over the past couple weeks, so today’s post is an assortment of the best social media articles from this week and the ones I’ve missed. Sorry if you’ve been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for them 😉 Enjoy!
An Exercise in Social Media Optimization: The Obama Gun Mailer
As if this post needs more attention, but I can resist giving one more link to Andy’s post. Andy shows how a social media techie can get national attention by using a subject that is newsworthy, such as the Hilary Clinton/Barrack Obama runoff. The post says pretty much says it all and gives all of the case-study necessary details.
$500 Contest Post: Online Profiles That Offer Back Links
This site is offering $500 in cash for the person who lists the most social media sites that offer backlinks other than the ones they already have listed on the post. Good Luck!!! 🙂
Social Media Mafia- Get Involved
This post by Colin Walker promotes another social networking site for social media peeps such as ourselves, called the Social Media Mafia. (Oh metaphors. We use cocktail party, others use mafia.) There are so many social networking sites out there, but this one wins my award for the week due to Colin’s eerily true comments about the resemblance in social media marketing to the mafia. Too great. You gotta wonder if Colin had to promote this as part of his debt to “the family”….
Five New Twitter Tools You Should Know
This is probably an old post to some of you, but I just saw it this week. In my own opinion, Twitter in and of itself is really only an okay program. It’s really the tools like these five that make it useful to people.
Tools for Engaging in Social Media
Brent Csutoras gives some good reviews of the major social media “must-haves”. What I enjoyed more is that Brent listed great plug-ins, because we all know that knowing which plug-in to use is oh-so-important to our sanity and management of our days.
From Mining the Web to Inventing the New Sciences Underlying the Internet
This is a video lecture by Usama Fayyad of Yahoo! on data mining and how it’s beneficial to social media. Kinda long, but you can skip the 10 minute intro and then scroll and listen for what you want to know more about (Minute 10 to 20 is kind of background info. Brian’s opinion is that you can fast forward to minute 28 for the meat.)
Gaining Subscribers Through Social Media: Is It Possible?
Steven Snell gives some great tips on how to convince people to subscribe to your blog. (And by the way, it did convince me to subscribe to his :))
20 Take-Aways from SMX Social Media
Scott Clark gives a list of 20 points of interest from the SMX Social Media conference. Most of these are points to live by when dealing with clients. I especially like the “Advertising Agencies don’t get it, for the most part.”