Social Media Posts That Are Igniting- 9/12

Here are the top social media picks for the week.  Enjoy 🙂

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsFive Ways to Use Social Media to Reach People Who Don’t Use Social Media

Marshall Kirkpatrick from Read Write Web answers the question on how to use social media to reach people who “don’t use social media”.  He includes simple ways to transition these people over, while debunking the myth that some people are unreachable by this medium.

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsDon’t Tell, Show Them!

I love this video made by EA Sports in response to a YouTube video.  It’s a great use of social media for a brand, and I think the points that Valeria Maltoni make in regards to this are perfect.  🙂

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsThe Future of Viral Marketing…

The best viral ideas are quirky and fun.  Proof:  awesome video created by Slate (and posted here by Amanda Gravel).

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsWhat I Learned by Increasing My Forum Membership by 400 in 24 hours

Darren Rowse gives some insight into growing your online forum community.  Although email is not always the best community outreach strategy (mainly because people are inundated with annoying spam), Darren’s post gives great advice on who to outreach to and why.

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsTop 5 Reasons Social Media Require Commitment

So you have started your blog, made a few friends on facebook, and followed a few people on twitter but it doesn’t seem to be drawing any traffic.  Don’t give it up yet.  As Cohen writes (and we have said)  you have to stick with different sites to get results!

Bullet for Friday SocialPosts  The Ultimate List of Custom Ubiquity Verbs – ReadWriteWeb

Corvida pulls together a valuable list of Ubiquity commands in this post. The list has a great variety of verbs that any hard core Ubiquity user should check out.

Bullet for Friday SocialPosts  Wendy’s Takes First Stab at Viral Video With ‘Crazy Lettuce’ – Advertising Age – News

Wendy’s “viral” attempt is dissected by Emily York from Adage. She notes the campaign cost only 25k vs. a typical TV spot costing around 300k