Social Media Posts That Are Igniting- 9/5

Here are my top picks for the week in the social media blogging world.  Enjoy 🙂

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsTwittad Wants to Monetize Your Twitter Background 

Someone finally figured out how to monetize Twitter, even if some kinks still need to be worked out.  I picked this post because it best explains how Twittad works, but Anthony Ha’s post, Twittad launches ad marketplace for Twitter pages that no one sees, is a great critique of the structure of the system.  One worry of mine not pointed out in this post is that people will “spam follow” in order to increase their earnings.

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsDid Twitter Lay Down for Google? 

Speaking of Twitter…..

In this post, Rae has eloquently put what most users are feeling is a bad move by Twitter to remove the “loophole” of having a juicy link in your bio. The real problem here is that Matt Cutts persuaded Twitter execs to make the move.  Who knows what went on internally, however, this was a big brother-esk move on Google’s part. Tsk. Tsk.

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsMySpace Launches FEMA Widget, Still Doesn’t Work

The game of widgetizing information is tricky.  (Sometimes it’s tricky enough just to get the widget to work!)  Nick O’Neill’s forecast that the new MySpace FEMA Widgets will only last a few days might be true, but by developing a widget FEMA is at least trying to engage in social media.  That shows some progressive thinking, in this social media chick’s opinion.

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsTraffic trends for Digg vs. Nine Other Social News Sites

This post compares growth of some of the top “social news” sites (which they define in the post) such as Digg, Stumble Upon, and Reddit .  Who is growing and who could be reaching a plateau?

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsGoogle Trends Made My Underwear Turn Brown….. 

Patrick Curl weighs in on how Google Trends can affect your site traffic (and maybe what you should be writing about).