Wordtracker SEO Blogging Tool

In his eternal campaign to impart his SEO wisdom upon us copywriters here at Ignite, Brian Chappell is forever introducing us to tools that can help make us writers more proficient and productive. A big part of getting us aesthetically sensitive artsy types to use something is that it has to feel right as well as be unassuming enough to incorporate itself into whatever wacked-out creative process we’ve already established.

Enter the Wordtracker SEO Blogger plug-in for Firefox. It’s the newest SEO blogging tool that I’ve been introduced to, and I love it. After you download it, it drops a tiny icon into the bottom right side of your Firefox browser window. When you click on it, a frame pops up on the left side of your window, cleanly designed and easy to read.

You enter a term in the search field and Wordtracker pulls up all of the related search terms, along with some simple stats to let you know what you’re working with. Once you find the term you need to use, you simply click “Add” and the term is dropped into the bottom list that houses your chosen terms.

When you go to your blogging platform (it’s compatible with all platforms) and insert text, your chosen terms list will count the number of times you use each word or phrase in your post. So you can just go about posting normally while Wordtracker keeps tabs on all of your keyword mentions. Check it out:

It’s a basic concept, simple to use and clean-looking. I use it faithfully and love it, and I’m convinced you will, too. I wouldn’t put my Word Nerd seal of approval on it if I wasn’t.