Twitter Custom Timelines Maybe Shouldn’t Be Used by Banks | Social You Should Know

Twitter Custom Timelines

As I point out in this TechNewsWorld article, Twitter Chats have been used for years, but they’re a bit of a mess as nobody can easily follow along with them. Now Twitter allows multiple custom timelines, which helps with Twitter Chats, journalism and more. This is interesting as new data shows that 40% of Twitter users only read tweets, they don’t send their own. Having said that, JP Morgan deciding to do a Twitter Chat this week turned out to be a horrible idea.

Facebook Asks How “Authentic” a Post Is

Spammy, “like-bait” posts are very common on Facebook, among brand pages that are both credible and not. Facebook is now trying to learn how to sniff out those posts (ostensibly to punish them) by asking a select group of readers to answer the question, “How Authentic Does this Post Feel?” Answers range from “Not at All” to “Extremely”. Even a small percentage of Facebook users answering these questions could provide a lot of data for Facebook to use. Hopefully this is yet another sign that Facebook is taking the health of the News Feed more seriously.

Snapchat Turns Down $3 Billion in Cash from Facebook

Big news this week as the Wall Street Journal reported that Snapchat turned down an all-cash offer from Facebook in the neighborhood of $3 billion. Why? Snapchat apparently thinks it’s worth $4 billion. Here’s the important part for marketers: For Snapchat to be worth either sum it has to monetize at some point, and monetization almost always includes paid marketing opportunities for brands. I reported last month that Snapchat was starting to experiment with a couple monetization options.