What Pros Think About Careers in Social Media Marketing

In the inaugural Ignite Social Media Trends Survey, we asked social media marketers their perspectives on varying topics. Some of the most interesting questions centered around whether these social media pros are happy with their careers in social media and if they felt like their corporate leadership valued social media.

Experienced Social Media Marketers

Of note, the survey participants were generally experienced, with 52% of them having worked in the field for more than a decade and another 24% having between 5 and 10 years of experience. Only 6% of survey respondents had less than 2 years of experience. 

Social Media Marketing Career Satisfaction

People who work in social media marketing are generally happy with their decision to do so, according to the survey. 72% of survey respondents were either somewhat happy (40%) or very happy (32%) with their career so far.

11% were unhappy with their career in social media marketing, with only 1% being very unhappy and 10% being somewhat unhappy.

Another 17% were neither happy nor unhappy.

This suggests that people who work in social media marketing are more likely to be happy with their jobs than Americans in general. Pew Research data from 2023 found that 51% of Americans are extremely or very satisfied with their jobs.  

Executive Leadership Support of Social Media

One reason for job satisfaction among social media marketers in our survey could be support from their leadership teams.

When we asked, “How much does your leadership team value social media?” roughly 90% of survey respondents said their leadership team either highly valued (38%) or moderately valued (52%) social media. Only 2% said their leadership team didn’t value social media at all.


For a full breakdown of our survey, conducted in the summer of 2024, please complete the form below and we’ll provide you with a complete copy instantly. 

Ignite Social Media