09 Dec 9 Bold Social Media Marketing Predictions for 2016
Around this time each year, marketers jump at the chance to write, tweet, and speak to lists that wrap-up up the year with “Top 10 Marketing Campaigns of 2015” or “5 Marketing Trends to Consider in 2016”. We couple these lists with lengthy explanations of each item to show we know what we’re talking about and usually play it mostly safe with our summaries and predictions backed by data and consensus.
But we figured there’s enough of those “safe/will probably come true/yea, you can budget against that/of course you should invest in Instagram next year” trend lists, so today we’re bringing you a bold list of “things that probably won’t actually happen but very well could happen if you think about it” Social Media Marketing Predictions for 2016.
- “Real-time Phygital” becomes a thing as retailers integrate curated social listening feeds in aisle
- Periscope gets new life as reality TV takes over the channel with innovative networks like Bravo launching exclusive after shows and even a full series
- Blab earns a billion dollar valuation after reinventing itself as a remote learning technology
- Facebook’s Oculus investment will finally pay dividends when they ditch the headsets and set out to transform live news coverage
- Social Buying will take off sooner than expected thanks to retargeting integration
- An all-emoji social messaging app will actually gain traction
- Twitter will finally and successfully reinvent itself as a publishers platform, becoming a consumption only channel for the general user
- Snapchat will die a quick death following an overdose on brands during Superbowl
- Instagram and Pinterest will follow Snapchat to the grave by end of year as brands become the only publishers left on the channels
These predictions can be a lot to soak in. So if you’d rather stick to the “safer” predictions, feel free to watch our on-demand webinar “6 Top Social Media Trends for 2016.”