Executives Role in Social Media Strategy

As social media has become a bigger player in a brand’s overall marketing mix, more c-suite executives are taking notice. Social media has also created a space where people can build their personal brands. Many executives use these channels to build a following and influence. There can be a mutual benefit to leveraging your company’s c-suite executives through the brand. This post will help guide how to incorporate your executives into your social strategy.

Consider Your Industry

One of the top things to consider if and how to incorporate your executives is dependent on your industry. Is your company B2B or B2C? If you are B2B, including your executives in your social mix is a more natural fit. Along the same lines, if thought-leadership is one of your content pillars, having your executives play a large roll in this content makes sense. Does your industry have a lot of conferences and opportunities for your executives to be visible? If so, then find ways to use them in content from those events in social.

Plan for Execution


Now that you have determined that it makes sense for your c-suite to have a role in your brand’s social strategy, you have to figure out how to make it happen. Most executives are too busy, and to be honest, might not have the best understanding of social media, to take a large role in the execution plan. This means that you will need to dedicate a social team member to help facilitate their role. This person’s role can range for just reviewing and optimizing the content produced by the executive to being a fully dedicated ghost writer. This person might also take on running the executive’s personal social channels on their behalf. In your brand’s editorial planning, it is important to identify the touchpoints that will be needed with the executive and the process for completion.

Mutual Benefit

One best opportunities for incorporating executives into your brand’s social content is the mutual benefit on both sides. The brand can leverage the executive’s social presence and the executive to leverage the brand’s social presence. It is imperative that cross promotion happens between these groups. They should be syndicating each other’s content as well as tagging their handles when applicable.

Need a community engagement strategy for your executives? Contact us here!