Can Facebook Predict Ad Relevancy? | Social You Should Know

Facebook Adds Relevance Scores to Judge Ad Relevancy

In an effort to make ads more relevant to its users, Facebook recently announced that advertisers will now see a “Relevance Score” in Facebook ad reporting tools.  In a nutshell, “the higher an ad’s relevance score (1-10), the cheaper it will be to deliver”.  According to Facebook, a score is calculated on the positive and negative feedback Facebook expects to receive from its target audience, and the score is then updated as people interact and provide feedback on the ad.  While it hopes this will help brands optimize creative messages, Facebook admits it shouldn’t be the only metric advertiser’s use to judge ad effectiveness.  Thanks for adding another metric, Facebook.

Amazon Launches “Amazon Giveaway”

new tool by Amazon provides a turnkey approach for brands with products on to host giveaways.  For products valued at less than $5k and for 50 products or less, an advertiser can easily set up a giveaway and have Amazon handle the back-end winner selection and fulfillment.  The tool even has a mechanism for requiring entrants to follow a Twitter account before entering, helping to increase a brand’s Twitter following.  This could open up interesting ways for brands to host more frequent giveaways or to make Influencer giveaways less of a hassle.

Twitter Invests in Niche, a Content Creator Community

To expand Twitter’s product offering and revenue streams, Twitter recently purchased Niche, a startup that facilitates advertising deals for social media stars on Twitter, YouTube, and Vine.  This is one of the first times we’ve seen a major social network attempting to monetize on the creators who are mostly influential on their network.  This move positions Twitter to provide more advertising opportunities to brands than its Promoted Products.