Ignite Your Week Social Media Updates

Ignite Your Week: Micro-channels are the New Brand Channel for Gen Z

In this week’s edition of Ignite Your Week, we’re talking about micro-channels and how micro-channels might very well be the brand new channel for generation Z.

Micro-channels for Gen Z

Essentially what’s happening is generation Zer’s are recreating Facebook groups on Instagram. We are seeing this primarily coming from college freshman, believe it or not, who are creating these groups to introduce themselves to classmates, to share information about what’s happening on campus or talk about upcoming events that their fellow classmates might be interested in. The unique thing is the pages are being created and administered by students and not the college itself. This kind of makes the students a little like micro-influencers, who may very well in the future be paid to have access to their channel.

Brand Implications of Micro-Channels

Here’s what we do know, for brands micro-channels could very well be a great way for them to reach generations Zer’s by creating these sort of smaller, hyper-focused channels. Where people can be targeted based on their specific interests on Instagram. We’re already seeing some brands take advantage of this. Brands like Target Style or Nike Running, as well as Amazon Prime Student. These are brands who are already in there and in the frame of the early adopters.

Read More on Marketing to Gen Z: What Not to Do

Spending Power of Gen Z

Will this be right for your brand? We don’t know yet, however, what we do know is according to Forbes, Generation Z is going to be the leading consumers on social in the year 2020. Not to mention the spending power somewhere between 29 billion and 143 billion in direct spend a year. So the audience is definitely there, and we think that it’s really time to start considering these micro-channels and how they might work for your brand. If you need help, we’re here. Give us a call and we’d be happy to share what we know and talk to you about whether or not this could be a fit for your brand.

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