08 Sep LinkedIn Changes, Twitter goes Multimedia, Facebook Updates Mobile Brand Pages
LinkedIn is making changes to company pages that are worth checking out. They could become the Facebook for business, which adds a lot of value to that network.
In other news this week (headlines are links):
Twitter Goes Multimedia, Beating Facebook in Mobile
Twitter, born of the 140 character text update, is now a full-on multimedia experience. The user base continues to grow and 45% of links shared on Twitter contain an image or a video. (8% link to a product page, by the way.) While Twitpic used to dominate in this area, the new Twitter platform is now the #1 source of pictures (40%), followed by Instagram (15%).
Twitter is also beating Facebook in terms of revenue from mobile ads, coming in at $129.7 million versus Facebook’s $72.7 million.
Facebook Updates Mobile Fan Pages
Speaking of Mobile, Facebook is rolling out a new Timeline design for brand pages displaying on mobile devices. A couple of key points: 1) Cover photos and profile pictures may not align perfectly like they do on the desktop, so check that. 2) The only apps that will definitely work on mobile with this update are Facebook native apps. You still have to hack around with your own code if you want your Facebook apps to work on mobile. We have several solutions for this, but not knowing when or what Facebook is going to change in this area is a little bit frustrating at this point.
Facebook needs to move quickly in mobile (see article above), but for a fast-to-update company, they’ve been pretty slow in terms of helping brand pages in this area.
Different Demos Choose Different Social Networks
Building on our recent exhaustive analysis of nearly 60 social networks, new data shows that age and gender matter in terms of what networks you spend time on. Facebook remains “home base.” In short, everyone uses Facebook. But after that, you see big differences. Women dominate on Pinterest. Young people on Instagram. Older people on LinkedIn.
If our analysis has too much data (and it does have a lot), check out the handy little chart courtesy of eMarketer. It should help you as you think about social strategy.