Pinterest Referrals Fall Flat; Obama's AMA Has Brands Wondering; Fake Twitter Followers?

As the Labor Day Weekend gets underway here in the United States, here’s my regular update recapping the week. Article headlines are links.

Two Studies say Pinterest Referrals Falling Flat

Pinterest has been all the rave as a source of referring site traffic for the last six months, but two new studies are raising doubts about the power of Pinterest. A BuzzFeed report found that Pinterest referrals, which hit 400,000 back in April, where only 114,000 in July (and 110,000 in June).

Zappos found that Pinterest users were 13 times more likely to share than Twitter users, but those shares weren’t generating revenue. Twitter generates $33.66 an order, Facebook generated $2.08 an order. Pinterest: 75 cents.

Obama’s “AMA” on Reddit Has Many Brands Considering the Same

This week, while the Republicans took to Tampa, President Obama took to Reddit, to host an “Ask Me Anything” session. He’s not the first celebrity to do so, but if the President can trust his brand to Reddit, should you? Maybe. If you’re interesting enough and if you respect the community.

Do your homework first with this post we put out in June.

How Many Fake Twitter Followers Do You Have?

There are lots of services out there promising to “sell” Twitter followers, and lots of them, cheap. As you can imagine, the followers are garbage. Actually, they’re just fake. President Obama apparently has millions of fake followers among his 13 million. Mitt Romney only has 900,000 followers, but apparently most of them are fake too. I checked my account and found only 1% fake. You can check yours here. Don’t take shortcuts in social media marketing. It’ll come back to bite you…

Quick mention of a shout-out we got from Google+ for our work on the +Jeep page with our client Vicki. Nice for the team to get recognized.