Social You Should Know: Pinterest Now Shares Impressions; Why Can’t Twitter

Pinterest Analytics rolls out with impressions included and Facebook makes it a bit harder for folks to “unlike” a page, in this week’s Social You Should Know.

Pinterest Launches a Very Nice Analytics Tool For All

Pinterest this week launched their free analytics tool. Available to any user with a verified website, Pinterest Analytics provides a comprehensive view of content and traffic performance. The dashboard shows analytics including top performing content (repins, clicks) and exposure (reach and impressions) generated from content and from visitor traffic. All of the information is exportable, making it easy to slice and dice the data. Overall, it’s one of the better analytics tools we’’e seen so far provided for free by a social channel. Why Twitter, which is now 7 years old, still can’t provide impressions is beyond me.

Facebook Makes it Harder to Unlike a Page

In the old News Feed, you could always click to “hide” a story. Doing so would pop open an option to either “Hide All Stories From [Page]” or “Unlike [Page].” The new News Feed introduced last week still has the “hide” a post and “hide all” options within the feed, but the unlike option is now gone. The easiest way to unlike a page now is to go directly to that fan page and click on the “Liked” button. Even then, “unlike” is the last choice among four. Seems like a small way Facebook is trying to help brands keep fans.

Microsoft Labs Show “Viral Spread” in Graphically Interesting Way

We all know that some content spreads around the web and we’ve agreed to call it “viral,” but new research from Microsoft labs show the social spread in really interesting graphic ways. One looks like a branching tree, where you can see how many shares get passed along, but only certain ones continue on, with the sharing getting thinner and thinner after each phase. Another model shows the social spread as a cluster of flowers or trees, which bloom in different sizes around the various centers of influence from which they spread. As a social media geek, I found it very interesting. How about you?