Social You Should Know: Top YouTube Brands and Tumblr Launches Mobile Ads

Edgerank demystified, brands that rock on YouTube and how Tumblr and Facebook are adapting for mobile, all in this week’s Social You Should Know.

Top 500 Brands Generate Nearly Half a Billion Views Per Month

The top 500 brands on YouTube generate an average of 884,000 video views each per month, adding up to a collective 442 million views. These video kings have produced 315,000 videos and have an average of 35,000 subscribers. A new report from OpenSlate finds that Nike is #1 for apparel, Audi for auto, Old Spice for beauty & personal care and Sephora for retail. On average, only 7.4% of videos from top brands are repurposed TV commercials, showing that these brands are investing heavily in video production.

Mobile Social: Tumblr Adds Ads, Facebook Redesigns Brand Pages

Tumblr is looking to make some money these days and they’re making it easy for brands to buy their way into the popular network with new mobile ads. (Side note: My speech last Friday at Social Fresh East cautioned against relying too much on ads.) Facebook, taking a brief pause from their own ad product changes, launched redesigned mobile brand pages this week. The new pages have a cleaner look and allow admins to elevate pinned posts higher up on the page. Like, Check In and Call also appear higher on the page than before, which is nice.

Facebook Edgerank Demystified

As a social media person, you probably know that Edgerank is the mathematical system (algorithm) by which Facebook decides who sees what content. It varies for everyone based on individual behaviors and the popularity of a given piece of content. But if you feel that you should be able to explain it better than you can, this new infographic from Postrocket will help. And it even explains it all by showing the relationship between Batman, Robin, the Joker and Bane. Kapow! (sorry… had to…)

Also, I’m co-hosting a webcast called The Evolution of Facebook Marketing with Erica McClenny of Expion next Tuesday, April 30 at 2 pm EST. Register to hear us discuss how Facebook’s ongoing evolution affects your brand, as well as the best practices you can implement today. Hope you can make it.

Another week in the books and you’re up-to-date. Have a great weekend.