08 Feb Twitter is Definitely Not Standing Still | Social You Should Know
Twitter continues to make change after change to their platform, Facebook tweaks the newsfeed algorithm (again) and Snapchat makes major changes to increase connections on their network. Also, are you going to SXSW Interactive? Write me back. Maybe we can meet up.
Twitter Offers $1M Emojis, New Experience for Logged Out Users
Twitter may be struggling, but they’re not going down without a fight. In just the last week, they’ve made three major announcements. 1) They’re now selling branded emojis (just in time for Super Bowl!) for the low, low price of $1M; 2) They’ve now made it easier to follow a conversation on Twitter bypopping open a window when you view replies; and 3) Logged out users will now see some of the best performing tweets (and ads) instead of nothing. The theme? Improving revenue and improving user experience. We’ll see what gets traction.
Facebook and Snapchat Make Platform Tweaks
Facebook is now factoring in how likely you are to engage with a post in deciding if they should show that post to you in the first place. This signal joins “likelihood to want to see the post in the first place” as a major factor in adjusting the algorithm. Engagement matters. Snapchat has made it much easier to find friends by providing profile URLs to allow folks to find you without scanning their “BooR code.” This, combined with the ability for publishers to deep link to their Snaps could dramatically increase our ability to share Snapchat content easily.
Should You Hug Your Haters?
Jay Baer’s provocative new book, Hug Your Haters, debuts March 1, but I’m hosting a free webinar discussion with Jay on February 16. As social media and customer service become further intertwined, and the vast majority of social media comments go unanswered, Jay sees trouble brewing. And he’s got solutions. He’s even developed “The Hatrix,” which if nothing else is hilarious. Even if you can’t attend while it’s live, join us and we’ll mail you a link with a recording to it to listen to at your leisure. I’ve known Jay for a while, and it will be worth it.
As we wrap up, a shout-out to our client Staples for being named one of the 16 Best Brands on Instagram by Hubspot. Their content is really spot on. Take a look.