YouTube Converts, Facebook Self-Destructs, and Brands Do Real Time Wrong | Social You Should Know

YouTube Converts Better than Twitter and Paid, Earned, Owned is Still Relevant

Convertro published a study this week breaking down which social channels were best at driving web conversions.YouTube proved to be the best, getting the most credit for driving both product discovery (first touch) and conversion (last touch) in their study, while Twitter, Tumblr and LinkedIn brought up the rear of the pack.

The article also leads with a claim that paid converts better than organic on most social channels, while organic is best suited for middle funnel touch points. Seems like a pretty obvious result in my opinion, given most paid content on social channels (with the exception of boosted posts) is inherently designed to drive conversion, not engagement, anyway. Consider this more proof that in order to move customers completely down the funnel with social media, a proper mix of earned, paid, and owned content is required.

Facebook Testing Snapchat-like Posts

Facebook is taking a page from another network’s book and testing self-deconstructing posts. Like Snapchat, this new functionality puts a a limit on the amount of time a post on Facebook is visible to users. While there’s no roadmap yet for how Facebook actually intends to use this feature, it could be a neat way for brands to share time-sensitive fan exclusives someday.

Brands Are Still Looking for Their Oreo Moment…and STILL Missing the Mark

Just days after DiGorno Pizza jumped in on the wrong trending topic, far too many brands jumped on the 9/11 bandwagon and the Twitterverse wasn’t happy about it. Consider their mistakes a friendly reminder to you — think twice about which cultural events your brand jumps in on (does it really make sense for your brand to be there?) and ALWAYS double-check the origin of that trending hashtag you want to use.