02 Apr Social You Should Know- March Social Media Updates
Social media is always evolving and constantly changing. Every week Ignite Social Media keeps you up to date on the latest trends and features with Social You Should Know. Here are some highlights from March.
Have You Heard of Vero?
There’s a new(ish) social networking app on the block, and it’s called Vero. The app is similar to Instagram and allows users to build networks and share media. The app allows users to search for content, chat with connections, and create six different types of posts. While the app has many perks – like a feed showing posts in chronological order and the ability to sort connections into different sub categories – it has its downfalls, too. Eventually, users will have to pay for their subscription since Vero says it will not allow advertising on the app. Now, I was curious to see what the app was all about – and luckily fell within their first one million users (if you’re among the first few million users, your account will remain free.) So, I made an account. While I’m sure many people value Vero’s exciting features and will be jumping on the bandwagon, I think I’m going to sit this one out for now. At least I still have my free account for life if I ever change my mind.
Twitter Introduces Bookmarks
Twitter is giving its users a way to save a tweet for later, without letting others know what they’ve done. It’s called Bookmarks. Before, users would have to “like” the tweet to save it, but “liking” a tweet saves it where anybody could see it and sends a notification to the person who tweeted the content. Now, Twitter gives you the option to add a tweet to your Bookmarks so you can easily go back to it later. And the good news – it’s saved privately so you can save as many tweets as you’d like without any judgement. The Bookmarks feature is also beneficial in those instances where a user wouldn’t necessary “like” the content, but may want to be able to access it again. It’s a pretty convenient feature that I’m sure many (me included) will utilize.
New Facebook Tools for Female Professionals
Facebook launched some new features and a new set of tools in honor of International Women’s Day. One of the new tools launched to benefit women professionals is the Community Finder tool for their #SheMeansBusiness program. The tool is available in multiple countries and will help connect female entrepreneurs to women-owned businesses. Women can use the program to make connections and share advice with others, all while growing stronger professionally. The program was already incredible, and this new tool will make it easier for professionals to network. Additionally, Facebook announced it would be holding networking and workshop events from their offices around the world.
Instagram Expands Shopping Tags
Good news for businesses on Instagram: Instagram is expanding their Shopping Tags feature to allow more business pages to tag products with pricing information. The Shopping Tags feature is used to directly link those who click on the image to the website, so they can easily purchase the item. The tagging option will now be available to more businesses in multiple countries. Businesses will also be able to utilize the feature in single and multi-photo ads, as well as Stories. There are a couple steps businesses must follow to set up the Shopping Tags feature on their account. Click here to find out how to get your business account approved. Looking for other ways to improve your business’ Instagram? These tips will help you make the most of the channel.
Add Hashtags and Links to Instagram Bios
More great news for Instagram users! The app made some changes allowing users to include hashtags and profile links in their bios. When updating their Instagram bio, users can easily tag their favorite hashtags or check out the popular and trending hashtags suggested by Instagram. If users want to tag another account in their bio, that’s easy to do, too. Users just have to type “@” ahead of the username to create an automatic link to it. The clickable hyperlinks will make the hashtags and other accounts easily accessible. It also makes the bio area more useful and customizable.
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